Calla Lillie's were "especially popular since (they) could be made to bloom all year around in the southern to centre parts of Europe using simple greenhouses. It was a flower that could be grown even when the sky seemed dark."

May 7, 2012

Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.---Buddha

Kale Chips~

I had heard of 'Kale Chips' and in my quest to become healthier, eat healthier and LIVE healthier, I am continually searching for better alternatives to the over processed, over salted and just plain overdone foods that are being pushed in our direction daily. Here's today's "Something New:

I began by searching for the best kale I could find. Luckily, we have an Oasis World Market that carries unique and fresh produce that had a fresh batch in stock~

Simply beautiful, healthy green leaves! Washed them well and placed them out on paper towels to dry-

I tore the leaves into bite size pieces and coated the leaves lightly in the olive oil.

I had received a bottle of  good Organic Sabtino Olive Oil (infused with natural white Truffle Flavour) as a Christmas gift, and I just had to try a bit on half of the beautiful leaves! Delish!

*I also used a good extra virgin olive oil as well on the other half bag. They were yummy as well~

* Note: I used about a tablespoon of good olive oil and salted them just a bit, tossed and placed in a single layer onto parchment paper. I baked them at 250 for about 20 mins, keeping a closed eye so they don't overcook. Turn them half way through cooking time just once-

The baked product:

Lunchtime sandwich side instead of greasy chips....Enjoy!

*Some nutritional information from "MyFitnessPal" :  1 cup, Calories: 43. Fat: 1.3g, Carbs: 7.3 g, Protein: 2.5g. 

*Oven Roasting doesn't affect the level of Vit. K contained in the Kale, and even though some of the beta carotene and Vit. C are baked away in the roasting process, they still retain some of these nutrients! 

May 2, 2012

Bridget Cruise (ocarina)

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world.--Jack Layton

May 1, 2012

Edgar, the Iguana~

Edgar came to me by way of my Brother Dave. While working with a guy who owned Edgar, my Brother was invited to his house. This guy thought it amusing to pick Edgar up by one long toe on his right hind foot and allow him to flail about confused. My Brother was sickened by this and called to ask me if he could manage to get this Lizard would I be willing to take him? Sure, I said, thinking there would be no way, but.... okay~

Dave managed to trade a pack of cigarettes for Edgar and on a Saturday brought him out to me. Edgar was covered in mites, living in a small glass aquarium, had a hind mid-toe dangling and had swollen joints. He was malnourished  and lethargic. For weeks I force fed him water through a syringe with a long slender tube attachment, meal worms covered in calcium powder, dried and fresh fruit and diluted non-acidic fruit juice. I bought the best UV lamp I could find and would take him in his much larger enclosure outdoors. He swam in the bathtub, and in the beginning was so weak that he allowed me to give him several good gentle scrubs.

I took him to our local Reptile Vet who placed Edgar on an anti-inflammatory for his swollen joints. He felt the toe issue had set up arthritis, and it had spread up his right let to his knee to his right hip and across to his left hip joint. He looked like he might always have this affliction for a time.  He also gave medication to treat the mite infestation and wanted to amputate that toe but I felt that Edgar had been stressed enough and I decided against it until I felt he was stronger, that is.....if he would live to get stronger.  I continued to feed, medicate and get him in the water, and outdoors as much as possible. He stayed under the UV lamp otherwise for about 12hours a day. He had a 12/12 cycle.

He doesn't care for people, and I don't blame him. He had been traumatized early on and unfortunately, has never gotten over that. However, he bonds easily with other species, as he and my Uromastyx, Dandylion became best friends.

Click here:

I have had Edgar now for near 8 years and other than his distaste for we humans, he is doing well. I let him have his space, he watches me cautiously.

                                             Edgar, the Iguana~

“Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he's the one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.”--Mark Twain

I have many critters and can say that I have learned much about dignity, strength and courage from each of them. How fortunate I have been to be graced by their presence.