Calla Lillie's were "especially popular since (they) could be made to bloom all year around in the southern to centre parts of Europe using simple greenhouses. It was a flower that could be grown even when the sky seemed dark."

Dec 22, 2014

One Christmas Eve when I was about 7 years old, we were visiting some friends of my Dad and Mom's. These friends had a couple kids the age of my Brother Randy and me. We played and visited through the evening, when about 9-9:30 pm Dad and Mom said it was time to go home. As we stepped out the front door we were HAPPILY astonished that a big box of presents were wrapped and sitting right in the doorway... and in the snow. We began screaming at our friends "Santa has been here, look!" They came running, all wide eyed and and full of 'happy', as we watched them carrying this box of treasures inside.

All the way home we questioned Mom and Dad about "Why had Santa just dropped them off and left, and if "we would get home to find presents at our door?" Mom and Dad ushered us in the front door, strange, we usually came in the back door, but I was too excited to think much about that. No presents on the front steps, so we ran to the back door and opened it to find nothing there as well. Just snow, untrodden snow. Mom and Dad assured us that we would not be missed by Santa, while Mom was doing her best to get us out of our coats and into bed. Just as we settled down we heard a 'thump' and a "Ho, Ho, Ho!" We were excitedly startled and sat still for a few minutes looking at each other when Mom said "What was that? I bet it was Santa." Dad came through the house and said "Did you hear that?" We jumped up out of bed and ran to the back door, for that was where we had heard the 'thump.' Sure enough, sitting at the door was a box full of presents...and a single set of footsteps on the snow covered porch. 

I don't remember what I received in the way of material gifts that Christmas, I just have this memory of our family, all well, all young, all happy. Some were creating magic that Christmas, while some were believing in it with all our hearts.
Good job, Dad and Mom-
*Merry Christmas, one and all-

Dec 14, 2014

Polish Kolaczki - © 2009 Barbara Rolek licensed to, Inc.

Kolacky-Polish Christmas Cookies.

Yield: about 2-1/2 dozen cookies
1/2 cup (1 stick = 4 ounces) butter, softened
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup all-purpose flour
fruit preserves (raspberry, pineapple cherry)
Beat butter and cream cheese in large bowl with electric mixer at medium speed until smooth and fluffy. Gradually add flour; beat at low speed until mixture forms soft dough. Divide dough ball in half; wrap each half in plastic wrap. Refrigerate 1 hour or until firm.
Preheat oven to 375*F. Roll out dough, half at a time, on floured surface to 1/8-inch thickness. Cut into 2-1/2 inch squares. Spoon 1 tsp. preserves into center of each square. Bring up two opposite corners to center; pinch together tightly to seal. Fold sealed tip to one side; pinch to seal. Place 1-inch apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 10 to 13 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove to wire racks; cool completely

Merry Christmas!

Courtesy: Aj The original Polish Prince.

Oct 27, 2014

My beloved Breaks Interstate Park-

A hidden treasure atop the Virginia/Kentucky Mountains. It is said that Daniel Boone played a real part in the discovery of these Mountains. It is referred to as The Grand Canyon of the South.

Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.--John Muir

Sep 24, 2014

“The problem is that we always look for the missing piece of the puzzle.... instead of finding a place for the one in our hand...” ― Alina Radoi

Jul 21, 2014

I can recall a July 4th in the early 1990's while lying on a front porch bench of my new home, BORED out of my mind, restless beyond belief and just...sad. Why? I had every reason to be happy, youth, health, and was in a new marriage. Never mind that in a couple short weeks it would be my Birthday. A reason to celebrate, but I never gave that any thought. Nah, I was waiting for something. I was waiting for 'happy' to come knocking at MY door and tell me it had finally arrived!

It took many years, and much heartache to realize that just was not the way life worked. But I FINALLY got it! I wouldn't say it was *magic* but sure seemed magical.  I awoke to a new 'me' to a new 'direction' and a newfound sense of 'self.' I am a product of all those experiences that have come my way in my 51 years. I am more of a person because of all the great people I have met along the way, and sadly, left along the way. Happy didn't come to me. I had to go and find it...and myself.

Birthday's weren't a BIG deal for me growing up. A Coal Miner's daughter and one of 4 (soon to be 5) growing kids, there wasn't much time, or money. Oh, I always had a cake, but there wasn't a blowout celebration. When I grew up and moved away, and was on my own, that lack of celebration carried over into MY life. After my 'awakening' that has changed. Even when I found myself unmarried and on my own, I'd still celebrate. Cake, perhaps shopping, and a movie, or just get myself some Flowers. I don't sit around waiting for 'happy' to show up anymore. I find happy!

I also don't take those that are in my life for granted anymore. That's a BIG mistake, learn that one early. Perhaps you are fortunate in that you've learned this all early on in your life. Perhaps, you are older than I and are still looking for 'happy' or find that if you are on your own, that your Birthday isn't so important to celebrate. But it is you see as cliche as it sounds, 'there is only ONE you.' In this whole world, in the whole scheme of being, you are the only you and THAT is worth celebrating. 

I have learned much in my life and it's taken 51 years to get here. I don't mind that though, being 51. If I am this 'happy' at 51 I look forward to seeing what 71 will look like! More than that, I look forward to sharing those next 20 years with this guy here, who got me just what I wanted for my Birthday. A Cherry Cheval Mirror..... and like Alice in Wonderland, I am looking forward to seeing what's on the other side!

Jul 15, 2014

I will be Married in 4 Weeks.

There was a time that I thought I'd never marry again. Sure enough, 5 years ago and when I least expected it an amazing Man walked into my life in a most unexpected way. Oh, I didn't know he was amazing at first, just handsome. We took our time, and became the best of friends and I realized that I would be completely lost without him. So, after working a night shift, and being wakened later on Christmas Morning to his excitement, shakiness and a very different demeanor......

This is how he proposed, by asking me to look at a new photo he'd taken.

He was down on one knee..... In shock, speechless and totally surprised, I said yes.

So, I have been busy planning a Wedding for my Doug, and me.

Am I excited? Yes.

It is funny, life. We never know where our path will lead, and it's so much better, when we do not walk alone.