Calla Lillie's were "especially popular since (they) could be made to bloom all year around in the southern to centre parts of Europe using simple greenhouses. It was a flower that could be grown even when the sky seemed dark."

Jul 15, 2014

I will be Married in 4 Weeks.

There was a time that I thought I'd never marry again. Sure enough, 5 years ago and when I least expected it an amazing Man walked into my life in a most unexpected way. Oh, I didn't know he was amazing at first, just handsome. We took our time, and became the best of friends and I realized that I would be completely lost without him. So, after working a night shift, and being wakened later on Christmas Morning to his excitement, shakiness and a very different demeanor......

This is how he proposed, by asking me to look at a new photo he'd taken.

He was down on one knee..... In shock, speechless and totally surprised, I said yes.

So, I have been busy planning a Wedding for my Doug, and me.

Am I excited? Yes.

It is funny, life. We never know where our path will lead, and it's so much better, when we do not walk alone.

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