Calla Lillie's were "especially popular since (they) could be made to bloom all year around in the southern to centre parts of Europe using simple greenhouses. It was a flower that could be grown even when the sky seemed dark."

Jul 21, 2014

I can recall a July 4th in the early 1990's while lying on a front porch bench of my new home, BORED out of my mind, restless beyond belief and just...sad. Why? I had every reason to be happy, youth, health, and was in a new marriage. Never mind that in a couple short weeks it would be my Birthday. A reason to celebrate, but I never gave that any thought. Nah, I was waiting for something. I was waiting for 'happy' to come knocking at MY door and tell me it had finally arrived!

It took many years, and much heartache to realize that just was not the way life worked. But I FINALLY got it! I wouldn't say it was *magic* but sure seemed magical.  I awoke to a new 'me' to a new 'direction' and a newfound sense of 'self.' I am a product of all those experiences that have come my way in my 51 years. I am more of a person because of all the great people I have met along the way, and sadly, left along the way. Happy didn't come to me. I had to go and find it...and myself.

Birthday's weren't a BIG deal for me growing up. A Coal Miner's daughter and one of 4 (soon to be 5) growing kids, there wasn't much time, or money. Oh, I always had a cake, but there wasn't a blowout celebration. When I grew up and moved away, and was on my own, that lack of celebration carried over into MY life. After my 'awakening' that has changed. Even when I found myself unmarried and on my own, I'd still celebrate. Cake, perhaps shopping, and a movie, or just get myself some Flowers. I don't sit around waiting for 'happy' to show up anymore. I find happy!

I also don't take those that are in my life for granted anymore. That's a BIG mistake, learn that one early. Perhaps you are fortunate in that you've learned this all early on in your life. Perhaps, you are older than I and are still looking for 'happy' or find that if you are on your own, that your Birthday isn't so important to celebrate. But it is you see as cliche as it sounds, 'there is only ONE you.' In this whole world, in the whole scheme of being, you are the only you and THAT is worth celebrating. 

I have learned much in my life and it's taken 51 years to get here. I don't mind that though, being 51. If I am this 'happy' at 51 I look forward to seeing what 71 will look like! More than that, I look forward to sharing those next 20 years with this guy here, who got me just what I wanted for my Birthday. A Cherry Cheval Mirror..... and like Alice in Wonderland, I am looking forward to seeing what's on the other side!

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